About Me

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I am interested in learning more about family history and how my family fits into the history of the nation. This starts out with answers to questions from my daughter-in-law, Keri Hills. The first question is answered in the oldest post.

May 14, 2011

14.What was school like for you as a child? What were your best and worst subjects?

I loved school. I loved to learn new things. I was good at everything but math. I always got good grades. And could read before other kids.  My two favorite grades were 2nd grade and Senior in High School.  I went to first grade in Colville. 2nd grade in Valley and Rice. Third grade in Rice and Colville and 4th grade in Kettle Falls. After that mama put the halt on moving around so much so we went to Kettle Falls until we graduated from High School. I got engaged Christmas my Jr. year in High School and got married 20 days after I graduated from High Schoool. I took some classes at Spokane Falls Community College, but never attended after that.