About Me

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I am interested in learning more about family history and how my family fits into the history of the nation. This starts out with answers to questions from my daughter-in-law, Keri Hills. The first question is answered in the oldest post.

Jan 24, 2011

Part 3 of question 1. What were your nicknames?

Are nicknames- names that you like or ones you don't? Humm.

My parents and Grandma Gilmore called me "Jackie Lea".  My sister Donna and I have called each other  "Sissy" for as long as I can remember.

My grandpa called me "Big Foot".  Mama's father, Art Gilmore,  was  about five foot seven.  He weighed 145 pounds.  By the time 4th grade was over- I was 10 years old and 5 feet tall. Over the summer I grew 7 inches and by September, were  looking eye to eye. In the next four years I grew five inches and by the time I was 14,  I was six feet tall and wore size ten shoes.   

Note:   I was a landmark as a young girl and teenager in Kettle Falls.  "Turn right at Jackie Williams".  

In the 7th grade, Tom McNitt and Tom Bryant named me Paul Bunyan and my sister Babe, the Blue Ox one wintery morning as we got on the bus dusted with snow. That followed us around for awhile. We countered with a poetic and sassy "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on you."

When I was in my late 20's & early 30's, Donald called me "Aunt Gorgeous".

A girlfriend and client in Sandpoint dubbed me "Ms Jackie"  in the early '80's.  The one's lasted for almost 30 years.

Mr. Keith  calls me "Miss Scarlett", "Lucy" (as in "you got some 'splain' to do) and "Little Flower".

Gramma Jackie rocks the house these days.

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