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I am interested in learning more about family history and how my family fits into the history of the nation. This starts out with answers to questions from my daughter-in-law, Keri Hills. The first question is answered in the oldest post.

Apr 16, 2011

Going to Church

This might be Easter- mama looks pretty cute and she's wearing a hat and a fancy dress. Note the updos on me and Donna. Mama is giving  giving Daddy a real nice look.  I'm smiling shyly and Donna May is squinting full faced into the sun at daddy.  I love this picture. 
Later that same year- we were playing "farm" on mama's bed. We we supposed to be playing quietly and resting.  I took the sissors and (quietly) cut off our hair to make hay bales. We stacked them neatly all over mama's bedspread.

Then not too long after that, Donna got into some green paint or dye ( or something). It was up high and she was climbing again. It spilled it all over her. It didn't make her sick - but she turned green. Green hair. Green skin.  Mama said she couldn't go anywhere cause Donna looked like a postage stamp.

1 comment:

  1. hahahah! I love this story! love the picture too, you all look so pretty
